School of Medicine
Stanford University
Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Information & Communication Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Electronics Engineering
W. C. E. Sangli
Winner (among 17 finalists across the globe) in the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)
Competition at ICIP 2018, Athens, Greece
Selected in Sakura Science Exchange Program 2019
Administered by Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
Represented India as a Youth Delegate at the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students 2017
Sochi, Russia
Finalist (among 8 finalists across the globe) in the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
ICIP 2019, Taipei, Taiwan
Honored with Best Student (Student's Gymkhana) Award 2018-19 for outstanding student activities
IIT Jodhpur
My research interests are centered around Image and Video Processing, Video Coding and Compression, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and applications of AI/ML in Healthcare and Data Science.
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 82, p.115775
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 80, p.115659
IEEE MultiMedia, 27(3), p.12-22
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2023
IEEE Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2022