Research Interests
Theoretical condensed matter physics: Unconventional superconductivity, Magnetism, Density waves, Heterostructures
Selected Papers
Thermal conductivity of nonunitary triplet superconductors: application to UTe2
V Mishra
G Wang
PJ Hirschfeld
Front. Phys. 12, 1397524
Optical conductivity of overdoped cuprates from ab initio out-of-plane impurity potentials
D. M. Broun
H. U. Özdemir
Vivek Mishra
N. R. Lee-Hone
Xiangru Kong
T. Berlijn
P. J. Hirschfeld
American Physical Society
Robust nodal behavior in the thermal conductivity of superconducting UTe2
Ian M Hayes
Tristin E Metz
Corey E Frank
Shanta R Saha
Nicholas P Butch
Vivek Mishra
Peter J Hirschfeld
Johnpierre Paglione
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.19353
Comment on' Anisotropic Scattering Caused by Apical Oxygen Vacancies in Thin Films of Overdoped High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors'
HU Özdemir
Vivek Mishra
NR Lee-Hone
Xiangru Kong
T Berlijn
DM Broun
PJ Hirschfeld
American Physical Society
Effects of spin-orbit coupling on proximity-induced superconductivity
V Mishra
Y Li
FC Zhang
S Kirchner
American Physical Society
Tuning interfacial two-component superconductivity in CoSi 2/TiSi 2 heterojunctions via TiSi 2 diffusivity
SP Chiu
V Mishra
Y Li
FC Zhang
S Kirchner
JJ Lin
Royal Society of Chemistry
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Selected Professional Contributions
- Referee: American Physical Society, Institute of Physics, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Nature Publishing Group Journals.